De ce sa nu inregistrezi domeniu .PRO (Why avoiding register .PRO domains)
Motivul este unul pe cat de simplu, pe atat de greu de crezut. Daca vi se pare normal ca la 2 luni de la data inregistrarii sa nu puteti folosi domeniul desi toti pasii pentru verificarea legalitatii au fost indepliniti, atunci ok, inregistrati atatea domenii .pro catre vreti. Poate pana la reinnoire veti putea sa faceti ceva cu el. Teoretic un Registrar ar fi trebuit sa indeplineasca anumite conditii pentru a putea exista pe piata domeniilor insa in cazul Afilias (detine printre altele, domeniile .pro/.info), se pare ca ceva nu a mers bine.
Un termen de 24-48 ore poate ar fi fost normal insa aproape 2 luni este dincolo de orice supozitie pesimista.
Pana la vremuri mai bune, nu inregistrati domenii .PRO !
––––- ENG ––––-
The reason is as simple as it could be, but so hard to believe. If you find it normal to NOT BE ABLE to use your domain name, 2 months after registration even after passing required steps to get verified (licensing and legal stuff), then well, register as many .PRO domains as you want. Basically, a Registrar should achieve some special requirements in order to be able to provide domain name registration but in Afilias’s case this doesn’t happened as it should (IMHO).
A 24 to 48 hours term to get verified and have your .PRO domain status updated to OK vs HOLD should be more then acceptable but almost 2 months is over worstest supposition ever.
Till better times and since we’re work with real professionals (as they are supposed to be), avoid register .PRO domains!
Afilias => Bad, Undesirable, Nonprofessional Registrar
– update –
Talking about this situation on Namecom’s Blog hoping that we’ll get it solved in a way or other but still „ON HOLD”. Last chance could be after HostingCon ends.
else { report_to ICANN} ;
[RO] Intr-un final, se pare ca am reusit sa rezolvam problema insa nu fara presiuni si discutii interminabile. Important este ca Gazduire.PRO este activ si ne putem servi de el.
[EN] Finally, the Happy End is here and we can use the domain. Sure, after more than 2 months and a lot of emails and explanations but the most important thing is that the domain is no longer „On Hold” but „OK”. Thanks again to Ashley Forker !